My youpi Friday

The day before yesterday was definitely a Friday... This is the place it was supposed to be. Now, how comes yesterday was also a Friday makes no difference, because “these things happen”
If you ask me what day it will be tomorrow I will hesitate, but I would not exclude Friday from the agenda, since “tomorrow is promised to no one” Besides, a Friday is free to move around, that's why it was named Friday in the first place...
But whatever happens, the day after tomorrow cannot be a Friday, we cannot have Fridays all over the place for crying out loud... And only Hachimann knows what the hell it is today...

Senseless thoughts, like the above, are human and permitted to anyone. Logic does not prevail in our mind all the time, there is always room for a little craziness. Just like it happens with dreams... Or when you are half awake-half asleep...
This morning, I was up before the dawn, I was up before the worms of the earth, I was way ahead of anything. Stumbling around in my kitchen I was determined to prepare a delicious self-made cereal breakfast, without spilling around the contents of the many vases I was pulling out from here and there. So, instead, I was spilling my thoughts in trying to locate where Friday was, is, or will be!
At some point breakfast was ready, but the moment I dived my spoon into my cereals and opened my mouth wide open shaped in an “Enter” mode, a kind of Darth Vader voice from the universe came down on me, echoing into my morning head...
“You idiot! Today is Friday and you were supposed to abstain from solid food and have only orange juice and teas”
I froze stiff just there, my spoon dangling, my mouth still wide open, my eyes in surprise... I recognized this voice and I was humbled, besides stiffed...
It was Hachiman!!!

One might rightfully ask, how is it even possible in our times, with all those alarm clocks, PCs, Cell phones, TVs and other devices which surround us, to be at such a loss on a simple thing like what day it is?!...
Well, for me it is quite natural to be at a loss about that, since I operate on a completely different timetable than most people do.
But before doing some explaining here, let me ask you, how do you know what day of the week it is in the first place? What is the difference for you, between a Tuesday and a Thursday, in your life?
If you give it some thought it has entirely to do with that thing called weekend!
So far, I can tell from what I see around me, that life begins on Mondays... Well, some might feel that life “ends” on that day, only to “begin” on Fridays, ne ce pas?!...
However one might feel about it, the fact remains that between those two days (Friday and Monday) lies the weekend. The weekends and the rest of the week, so to say, divide life into working days and non working days. And of course some people have to work on weekends, but still, somehow they are aware about what day in the week they are on. They are not totally at a loss, like I am... Something is wrong with me and there is simply no way around it.
Practicing and teaching Aikido has always been an everyday affair for me. And it has been as natural to me as breathing is... There never was or is any sense of obligation, dedication, discipline or anything suchlike. The best explanation to give on how I think and feel this is “children playing with their toys until they fall asleep on them, and when they wake up they continue from where they left off”
I wouldn’t even mention this every now and then, if there weren’t those people who ask me all the time “did you practice even today?” and I say “why, what is it about today?” and then comes a reply like “...well, it's new year's eve!” and I nod my head in query “... and?!”

You see, when you do in life what you love most, day-in-day-out, you lose the timing of what day it is, because... who cares?! And I suppose this applies for anyone who does in life what he really loves.

What would you still do, if somehow came into your possession more money than you could count?
What would you still do, if you became aware of a lifespan as long as only a few days?
What would you still do, if life as we know it came to a total change, by a turnaround event which only happens in science-fiction movies?

When our routine of life is in any way interrupted, surprised, sidetracked, what remains is who we chose to be... But even then one cannot have it all. You might find yourself at a loss, on where Fridays are!...

April 17, 2015 (Friday!)